Saturday, 30 November 2013






Akrom and his mother

[English translation]

Akrom is a 17-year-old Deafblind person (he can't see and can't hear), that's why it is difficult for him to walk around alone freely. He was incorrectly diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of six. For more than two years, his mother had been asking for a wheelchair at social welfare office, but as he was able to walk, he could not get any wheelchair. As a last resort, Akrom's mother made use of the cart for garbage available in the house and donkey carriage to move him around.

During JICA's seminar-training for the Deafblind, Akrom sat in a wheelchair for the first time in his life. He was so happy,  that began moving the wheelchair on his own. Then he asked his sister to push the wheelchair to move him around the room.

Akrom loves him mother so much. When there was no wheelchair, he used to walk hugging always his mother. Akrom's favorite food is pancakes.

Akrom does not know how to use the wheelchair yet, but I think he will learn gradually. This new wheelchair will be very useful for Akrom in his future life. Thank you so much!

written by Murato
corrected by Ohno san

Tuesday, 26 November 2013



On November 21, 2013 in cooperation with the chairman of Bukhara province branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People Mr. Negmatov Mirsaid we conducted Disability Equality Training (DET) in Bukhara, which is located around 450 km North-East to the capital of Uzbekistan – Tashkent. Mukhabbat and Nazokat were DET facilitators. As we went to Bukhara by train, for both of them it was the first time they traveled by train. Due to the fact, that Uzbekistan railways are not accessible for the disabled people who use a wheelchair, for Mukhabbat to get into the train we needed the help of 3 people, and it was really difficult.

DET training was held in the conference hall of “Siyovush” Hotel. It was very warm in the room, however we could not find where was the heating system.
8 disabled people participated in the training. On the screen it is written in Uzbek: “Limited environment”.
Shavkat, who is a visually impaired person, is trying to answer to the question “What is disability?”


I have noticed that frequently disabled people’s answer to this question was “A punishment or a challenge from God – something sent from above as kind of a burden”. So that you can’t do anything about it, as it is already an unchangeable condition. You give up and accept it as it is. During the training there were also other definitions of “disability” as “the limitation of abilities”. 

リハビリテーションと社会変革 - どちらの解決策がふさわしでしょうか?と聞くと、驚くべきことに、リハビリを支援する人はほとんどいませんでした。
Which solution is the best – rehabilitation or social change? Surprisingly, there were no people who were for the rehabilitation.
Group discussion of the demonstrated video.
Final group work presentation by Dilshod, who is explaining his group’s plan of action to support Disabled people in Uzbekistan.
The representatives of various branches of the Uzbekistan Society of Disabled People of Bukhara region and the disabled people, who participated in DET training.


After lunch, the afternoon DET session was again cancelled like it happened in Yangiyo'l. Nazokat was not lucky again.

story and photos by Murato
corrected by Ohno san

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


ジャスルさん (20歳)
Jasur (20 years old)




[English translation]

Jasur, 20 years old . As he is suffering from spinal muscular atrophy, he is not able to walk. The wheelchair he has been using until now has become old and not comfortable to go out. Jasur's younger brother - Jakhongir was also diagnosed with the same disease. Their father applied for two wheelchairs at the local social welfare office in 2005 , but did get only one. Moreover, even if it has become impossible to use the out of date wheelchair, a new wheelchair is given only once in five years. And now when this family was having problems appealing to the social welfare office, a "flying wheelchair" has arrived directly to their house!

Jasur's dream is to study how personal computer works. But unfortunately,  the old computer in the house is broken. Jasur's father says "... if he had a new personal computer, he could do various work". He is likely to request the city central public office for the donation of a PC.

Jasur's new wheelchair is much more comfortable and easier to use. It is light and is very helpful to him when moving around. The quality of a Japanese wheelchair is very high. Thank you very much!

written by Murato
edited by Ohno san

Monday, 18 November 2013


  • 中央アジア障害者団体(DPO)のネットワークを強化する、
  • 新アジア太平洋障害者の十年を推進する、
  • 中央アジア障害者フォーラムの活動・連携を促進する、
  • JICA中央アジア研修の研修員を交えて、小地域ネットワークの意義とあるべき姿を討議する。

On November 13 (Wed) there was a 2 hours JICA TV conferenceabout “Mainstreaming and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in Central Asian Countries”. The purposes of the conference were;
  • to strengthen the network of Central Asian Disabled People’sOrganizations (DPOs); 
  • to promote the new Asia-Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons; 
  • to disseminate the Central Asia Disability Forum;
  • to discuss the future perspective of sub-regional network with the trainees of JICA Central Asia Training program.

The representatives of Uzbekistan’s various DPOs participated in the TV conference

UNESCAPの秋山愛子さんは。アジア太平洋地域障害者の第三の十年「インチョン戦略」のサブ地域ネットワークの重要性について話しました「Make the Right Real」が合言葉です。そして、DPIアジア太平洋ブロック事務局長サワラックさんはネットワーク強化のためのDPOのアプローチについて発表しました。

Ms. Aiko Akiyama from UNESCAP talked about the importance of sub-regional network in Incheon strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific”. Then Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI) Asia-Pacific Regional Block Secretary General Ms. Saowalak did a presentation about “DPO’s approach to reinforce Network Reinforcement”.

People from Uzbek DPOs had a lot of questions.


I think, that Central Asian DPOs first should think about reinforcing their national networks at the country-level, and then proceed to strengthening the Central Asian regional network of DPOs. For instance, national DPOs should coordinate their activities among each other, and form some kind of a coalition in order to be considered as a potential candidate for the membership to DPI. Admittedly, DPOs of Uzbekistan have started this process and are on their thorny way to DPI membership.

written by Murato
corrected by Ohno san

Sunday, 17 November 2013



Yesterday “Tortoise group” held DET (Disability Equality Training) in Yangiyo’l – a city in Tashkent province, which is located approximately 25 km to the southwest from Tashkent city. As the chairman of Tashkent province branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People promised when DET was held in Tashkent province Olmaliq city, this time DET was held in one of all 18 branches of the Society in Tashkent province.

DET training was held at the Cultural Center of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People Yangiyo’l Branch
Entrance of Yangiyo’l Branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People “Welcome!” The door on the left leads to the Cultural Center.
 “December 3rd the international day of disabled persons – the day of the protection of rights and freedoms of disabled persons, charity and mercy.”


When I saw this big banner in the center about the international day of disabled persons, the event we are going to organize in collaboration with “Kamolot” Social Youth Movement suddenly came to my mind. The event is called “Disability Week” and is scheduled to be held from December 9 to December 13, 2013.

A disabled person Abdullo told me about the history of Yangiyo’l branch.
The founder of Yangiyo’l city Society of Disabled Persons Mr. Ivushkin.
 About the activities of the branch. Our motto: “Compassion and unselfish concern for the handicapped, his moral and physical health.”


From this motto it seemed to me that people at Yangiyo’l branch think only through the prism of the “medical model of disability”. Always feel compassion towards handicapped people, they are helpless, and are in need.

It was cold in the room before DET started
Two brothers from Yangiyo’l sitting on the “Wheelchairs of Hope” and “Go! Fly! Wheelchair” also participated in DET
This time Shodiya was the DET coordinator. She is also a poet, you can read her poems (but only in Uzbek) at her website:
Self-introduction: “Can you tell us your name and speak about your hobbies?”
The answers of the participants to the question: "What is disability?"
20 disabled persons participated in the DET training this time. 
Group discussion. It is getting warm inside the Cultural Center.
For Nazokat it would be her 5th DET, if the afternoon DET session was not canc
Final group work presenting
昼ごはんタイム!Lunch time!
The smallest DET training participant - Diana. We should make special DET for kids!


Next time we were asked to hold DET training in Bekobod in December, 2013. Looking forward to it!!
photos and story by Murato
corrections by Ohno san

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Rustam (7 years old)


The baby car, which Rustam wasn't able to use anymore




[English translation]

Rustam was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as soon as he was born. Now he is 7 years old - the exact age to start going to school. Until now he has never used a wheelchair. This wheelchair is the first wheelchair in his life. Previously, he used to share a baby car with his little sister at home. But, recently as Rustam has become heavy he is not able to sit in the stroller anymore. Therefore, his mother had to always carry him on her hands, which is very hard.

If there was a wheelchair, Rustam would be able to go out and play with his friends in the neighborhood, and would be able to go to school, which is also located close to his house. In addition, he would even be able to go to the hospital to receive a medical treatment, such as massage, and the burden for his mother would be less, than it is now.

The size of the wheelchair, was roughly suited to Rustam's body, but only his feet, which was still a bit shorter, so that we had to adjust it by placing the cushion for his feet. As it is his first time using the wheelchair, he still does not understood well where to put his feet. But, because he can't walk himself, the wheelchair is considered to be very helpful for Rustam in his daily life.

Rustam and his mother were very happy to receive this pink color wheelchair. I think, if you look at his smile, you can feel that he is delighted and grateful to accept it. Thank you so much!!

written by Murato
edited by Ohno san

Friday, 8 November 2013








corrected by 大野さん

Thursday, 7 November 2013








written by Murato
corrected by Ohno san
photographer Yasuta Kazuki