Sunday, 17 November 2013



Yesterday “Tortoise group” held DET (Disability Equality Training) in Yangiyo’l – a city in Tashkent province, which is located approximately 25 km to the southwest from Tashkent city. As the chairman of Tashkent province branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People promised when DET was held in Tashkent province Olmaliq city, this time DET was held in one of all 18 branches of the Society in Tashkent province.

DET training was held at the Cultural Center of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People Yangiyo’l Branch
Entrance of Yangiyo’l Branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People “Welcome!” The door on the left leads to the Cultural Center.
 “December 3rd the international day of disabled persons – the day of the protection of rights and freedoms of disabled persons, charity and mercy.”


When I saw this big banner in the center about the international day of disabled persons, the event we are going to organize in collaboration with “Kamolot” Social Youth Movement suddenly came to my mind. The event is called “Disability Week” and is scheduled to be held from December 9 to December 13, 2013.

A disabled person Abdullo told me about the history of Yangiyo’l branch.
The founder of Yangiyo’l city Society of Disabled Persons Mr. Ivushkin.
 About the activities of the branch. Our motto: “Compassion and unselfish concern for the handicapped, his moral and physical health.”


From this motto it seemed to me that people at Yangiyo’l branch think only through the prism of the “medical model of disability”. Always feel compassion towards handicapped people, they are helpless, and are in need.

It was cold in the room before DET started
Two brothers from Yangiyo’l sitting on the “Wheelchairs of Hope” and “Go! Fly! Wheelchair” also participated in DET
This time Shodiya was the DET coordinator. She is also a poet, you can read her poems (but only in Uzbek) at her website:
Self-introduction: “Can you tell us your name and speak about your hobbies?”
The answers of the participants to the question: "What is disability?"
20 disabled persons participated in the DET training this time. 
Group discussion. It is getting warm inside the Cultural Center.
For Nazokat it would be her 5th DET, if the afternoon DET session was not canc
Final group work presenting
昼ごはんタイム!Lunch time!
The smallest DET training participant - Diana. We should make special DET for kids!


Next time we were asked to hold DET training in Bekobod in December, 2013. Looking forward to it!!
photos and story by Murato
corrections by Ohno san

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