On November 29, the "Tortoise group" conducted DET training in Chortoq city Namangan region. Chortoq city is located in almost 20 km to the North from Namangan city. We went to Namangan by car, which took us more than 5 hours. The training was carried out in collaboration with the chairman of Chortoq branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People - Ms. Zebo Azibayeva.
On November 29, the "Tortoise group" conducted DET training in Chortoq city Namangan region. Chortoq city is located in almost 20 km to the North from Namangan city. We went to Namangan by car, which took us more than 5 hours. The training was carried out in collaboration with the chairman of Chortoq branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People - Ms. Zebo Azibayeva.
今回、ナゾのキャットはDETトレーニングのメインファシリテーターになれて、とてもラッキーでした。 ムヤッサルさんが副ファシリテーターでした。 This time the "Mysterious cat" was really lucky to be the main facilitator of DET training. Muyassar was the co-facilitator. |
I think, as the result the DET training this time was really effective. All the participants were really active, and when in the end Nazokat asked "Has your opinion regarding disability changed?" everybody replied: "Yes, it has changed!", "It was really interesting!", "Please come to Namangan again!".
However, when the training started the electricity was suddenly cut off, and she had to show the presentation on the notebook. The room where the training was held was much colder than at the Cultural Center of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People Yangiyo’l Branch.
トレーニングは、チョルトク市48番学校で行いました。16人の障害者が参加しました。 The training was held at Chortoq city school #48. 16 disabled people participated. |
「障害って何ですか?」と言う質問に、ナゾのキャットが参加者から答えをもらっています。 Nazokat is receiving answers to the question "What is disability" from the participants. |
また「障害は神様からの罰である」と言う答えが多かった。 Again the were lots of answers such as "Disability is a punishment from God." |
「この星☆型を箱に入れることが出来ますか?」と言うゲーム。日本のボランティアのゆかちゃんと一緒に。 A game called "Can you put this star into the box?" Together with Yuka - a volunteer from Japan. |
ウズベキスタン障害者協会チョルトク市支部のリーダー・ゼボーさん(中央)。グループディスカッションの時に。 The leader of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People Chortoq branch Ms. Zebo Azibayeva, during the group discussion. |
第二セッションのグループディスカッション:「チョルトク市の障害者のための行動計画」 Second session's group discussion: "Plan of action for the disabled people in Uzbekistan". |
ナゾのキャットはゼボーさんにDETのマニュアルをプレゼントしました。 Nazokat presented DET manuals to Zebo. |
I think, as the result the DET training this time was really effective. All the participants were really active, and when in the end Nazokat asked "Has your opinion regarding disability changed?" everybody replied: "Yes, it has changed!", "It was really interesting!", "Please come to Namangan again!".
written by Murato
edited by Ohno
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