I am sorry for not writing the blog for a while.
On February 9th an open seminar was organised, devoted to the welfare of the Deafblind in Karakalpakstan Republic, which is located far west of Tashkent city. The seminar was organised by Ms. Reimova Tokhtash, who participated in
the original open seminar organised in Tashkent city in the beginning of October last year. This time the purpose of the seminar was to raise public awareness about the problems of the Deafblind in Nukus city, Republic of Karakalpakstan.
In the photo the Director of the Cultural Center of the Deaf of Tashkent city Mrs. Guzal Shodieva is making the opening speech on what kind of support is necessary for the Deafblind in Uzbekistan. |
セミナーは「Shukhrat Yulduzi」、日本語で「栄光の星」と言うカフェで行われました。20以上の方がセミナーに参加しました。参加者は、盲人協会、ウズベキスタン障害者協会、4番寄宿学校(ろう者特別支援学校)と視覚障害者特別支援学校の教師、カラカルパクスタン国立教育大学の教師、国際機関の代表(UNボランティアなど)、カラカルパクスタン文化・スポーツ省の代表、ボランティアの方、盲ろう者福祉に興味を持っている他の代表者でした。
The seminar was conducted in the cafe "Shukhrat Yulduzi" (in English "The Star of Glory"). More than 20 people participated in the seminar. The participants were representing various stakeholder institutions, which may be involved in providing support for the Deafblind, including the representatives from the Society of the Blind, the Uzbek Society of Disabled People, the boarding school for the Deaf children, the boarding school for visually impaired children, teachers from Nukus Pedagogical College, international organisations such as UNV, representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Sports, volunteers and others who are interested in the welfare for the Deafblind.
In the opening of the seminar Ohno san also made a speech about the activities to support Deafblind people in Uzbekistan. |
JICA Expert on Disability Affairs Ms. Ohno Junko made a speech on how JICA follow-up project "Assistance for Assuring Communication Methods for the Deafblind in Tashkent City – Awareness Raising on the Deafblind and Training of Interpreter-Guides" started in collaboration with the Cultural Center of the Deaf of Tashkent city in May 2013.
Ms. Ohno pointed out that "the support for Deafblind people should be provided at the local community where Deafblind people live." As a result of field researches, over 50 Deafblind people were found in various regions of Uzbekistan. Most of them are isolated from the society not being able to go out from their homes, simply because their family members did not know how to communicate with them effectively and how to guide them to move around safely.
The most active volunteer in the whole Uzbekistan Ms. Reimova Tokhtash is explaining the programme of the open seminar to Nazokat. |
One of the organisers of the seminar, a teacher of Nukus Pedagogical College is explaining the topics and the purpose of the seminar in Karakalpak language. |
The contents of the seminar was almost the same as the seminar conducted in October in Tashkent. Videos about the welfare of the Deafblind in Japan were demonstrated, and discussions were made. All the participants seemed to be impressed by the activities being implemented by the Japan Deafblind Association,Tokyo Friendship Society of the Deafblind, and the Center for Support of the Deafblind.
Karakalpak style ice-breaking was very interesting! |
Demonstration of the video about the welfare of Deafblind people in Japan: on the screen a Deafblind massage therapist Mrs. Yamagishi. |
盲ろう者の山岸さんは、プロのマッサージ師です。自分の患者さんとも、問題なくコミュニケーションを取ることが出来ます。山岸さんのストーリが紹介されている「知ってください、盲ろうについて」以外にも、日本の盲ろう者福祉について紹介する「ろうを生きる・難聴を生きる 生きる ”盲ろう者”生きる意欲につながる支援」、盲ろう者の福島智さんからのビデオメッセージ「ウズベキスタンの盲ろう者のみなさん、支援者のみなさんへ」、盲ろう者の生活紹介「盲ろう者に生まれて」などのビデオを放映しました。
Mrs. Yamagishi is a Deafblind person who is a professional massage therapist and does not face any difficulties in communicating with her patients. Besides the video "Let's know about the Deafblind"which contains the story of Mrs. Yamagishi, other videos about the support for the Deafblind in Japan such as "To live with deafness and hard of hearing - Deafblindness; support to retrieve the zest for life", "Video message to all the Deafblind people in Uzbekistan and those who support them" from Mr. Fukushima, "To be born with Deafblindness" a story of Mr. Mori were demonstrated.
Discussion of the demonstrated video: Mr. October - the volunteer of the Karakalpak Society of the Blind (second from the right) |
最後にグザルさんがこれからのウズベキスタンとカラカルパクスタンの盲ろう者支援に必要なことと、今の状況と問題について、とても情熱的なスピーチをしました。 In the end Mrs. Shodieva Guzal did a very emotional speech on what should be done in order to support the Deafblind in Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, the current situation and problems. |
Presents-giving ceremony: from Nukus Pedagogical College to everybody. I got a picture drawn by a student - "Winter paysage of Karakalpakstan" |
Although the materials of the Tokyo Friendship Society of the Deafblind were in Japanese only, they were distributed to all the participants. |
グループ写真 Group photo |
We hope that this open seminar will provide all the participants a basic understanding on Deafblind people, and encourage them to find as many Deafblind people as possible in the local Karakalpak communities.
The next day (Monday, February 10), in order to find Deafblind people in Nukus city, we did a small field research. For that purpose we went to #4 special school for Deaf children, and interviewed 3 students studying at this school. It was obvious that each girl we interviewed had both hearing and visual impairments to different extent, and the bad thing is that their double impairments are getting worse and worse; there is a possibility that in the end they will become totally Deafblind.
During the interview at #4 special boarding school for deaf children |
In the evening we went to see a Deafblind women living in Nukus (she is sitting next to Ms. Ohno in a red cloth). And I was happy to try Karakalpak food. |
To conclude, we should say that in Uzbekistan, and in Karakalpakstan, there are definitely Deafblind people. If you search them through different stakeholders, you will find as many Deafblind people.
However, special boarding schools for the Deaf children don't accept those who are low vision; special boarding schools for the Blind children don't accept those with low hearing or Deaf children. Therefore, it is very difficult for Deafblind children to be accepted to any school, then their opportunity for education would be quite limited.