Sunday 2 March 2014



On February 10, 2014 Disability Equality Training (DET) was conducted in Nukus city - the capital of Karakalpakstan Republic. This time the training took place at Karakalpakstan branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People.

DET was held in the office of the Chairperson of Karakalpak branch of the Uzbek Society of Disabled People, Ms. Parshagul Davletyarova


It was interesting to know that in Karakalpak language the word "Disability" is translated as "Mayi'p" - close to the meaning of "Handicapped", which draws all the attention to a individual Disabled person and particularly to his/her impairments as the only cause of his/her disability. Therefore, it is close to the medical model of disability.

This is a small sewing factory of the Karakalpak society of Disabled people, which was established under the financial support of Oliy Majlis public fund.
これは補助金で購入したミシンです。This is the sewing machines purchased with the grant money. 


The chairperson of the society, Ms. Davletyarova seemed to be very active in submitting project proposals to international organizations and government agencies to raise funds and provide financial support for Disabled people in the region. She told us that until now she has already wrote and implemented 15 projects in Karakalpakstan.

Self-introduction: overall 10 people participated in the training, including the chairpersons representing the district branches of the Society of Disabled People in Karakalpakstan.


JOCV volunteer Mr. Kuria Tsutaki, who is now volunteering at a school in Karakalpakstan as a teacher of information science, also participated in the training.

The main facilitator was Nazokat without any other co-facilitators; moreover it was her first time that she did DET for the chairpersons of the Society of Disabled People.
The first exercise of the training: "Write! What is Disability?"
The chairperson of the society Ms. Davletyarova is giving her opinion on what "Disability" is. Basically, her explanation was close to the medical view of disability with the focus to inability.
The most active volunteer in Karakalpakstan Ms. Reimova Tokhtash was always ready to answer the questions given by DET trainer.
The training was so interesting, so that the participants wanted to proceed to action plan making without any break. 
The presentation of what kind of actions should be taken in Karakalpakstan in order to support Disabled people. 
We presented the certificate of appreciation to Ms. Davletyarova for organizing the training.
Group photo

Edited by Ohno

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